
Our Education Chair, Joellen Barbagello, is doing a great job.  She has a number of different events going on from dance teaches to various workshops like sewing, a panel on beginning dance parties, social media and square dancing, recruiting new square dancers, do you want to be a caller, re-imaging square dancing, and making square dancing more inviting. Joellen at is our education guru. To see the times these will happen, check out our schedule tab.

Fitting and Sewing Men's Shirts Karen Reichart
Sewing Women's Bodices and Blouses Karen Reichart
Make and Take Beading T-Shirt Karen Reichart and Kim Kleman
Beginner Dance Parties (Caller orientated) Calvin Campbell
Square Dancing in the 40's, 50's Calvin Campbell
Square Dance Calling with Modules (Caller orientated) Calvin Campbell
Quadrille Workshop Calvin Campbell
Using Social Media to Promote Square Dancing Richard and Leslye Lane
Recruiting and Retaining Dancers (forum) Richard, Leslye & Board
So you want to be a caller? Richard Lane & Doug Davis
Reimaging Square Dancing Jim and Judy Taylor
How to call hex squares (Caller orientated) Bob Riggs
Anything but Squares Bob Riggs
Contra to Squares Bob Riggs
Ebbs adn Flows of Western Club Dancing Mark Matthews
Dancing Through History Mark Matthews
Energizing your club’s P.R Lee and Lois Hatchell
Special fun square dances and after parties Lee and Lois Hatchell
Youth in the square Lee and Lois Hatchell